Get an overview of the materials needed for oil paintings. Keep it simple and take a non-toxic approach by using only Gamsol Odorless Mineral Spirits and Walnut Oil. You can easily paint without medium by starting with thin layers of oil paint and working thicker on top as you paint.
If you're taking the online workshop
try to use the recommended palette below.
It's ok to use professional grade, quality substitutes. Quality = more pigment = better paintings. If you already have similar, professional grade colors in another brand, use them, you can always replace with the recommendations when you run out.
The only exception is Transparent Oxide Brown, Cobalt Blue and Viridian from Rembrandt, try these colors, you won't regret it. :)
Cadmium Lemon
Cadmium Yellow Light
Cadmium Yellow Deep
Cadmium Orange
Cadmium Red
Transparent Oxide Red
Transparent Oxide Brown (try not to substitute this one)
Cobalt Blue
Ultramarine Blue Deep
Windsor & Newton Titanium White Naples Yellow ( this is not part of the Richard Schmidt Pallet but I use it) Yellow Ochre Pale Terra Rosa Permanent Rose Permanent Alizarin Crimson
Walnut Oil
Gamblin Gamsol
Gamblin Gamvar
Brushes I recommend buying the best quality brushes you find. Would you draw with a dull pencil? My students are surprised how much better it feels to paint with a responsive brush that holds it's shape over time.
Soft Fan Brushes x 2
Soft Blending Brush x 2
Small, Medium and Large
Short Flats x 2
Long Flats x 2 Combers or Brushes used to paint grass x 2 Small Round Detail Brushes x 2
Panels I look for oil or lead primed surfaces, this allows you to wipe paint completely off and get back to white if needed. These primers also works better with the oil paints because the paint doesn't sink in and dull, it sits on top, holding its luster and color. My favorite surface is a fine portrait linen which is great for fine detail.
Ampersand Artist Panels - Primed Smooth is another nice choice for detail work.
Pallet & Paint Scraper You can make one with the glass from an inexpensive frame, try an 11x14 frame, add grey paper backing and place duct tape around the edges.